
getting fit...

Any woman who has had a baby knows that it can be extremely difficult to get back into shape after being pregnant and going through labor.

First, there is the sleep deprivation and literally not enough time in a day to get even essential chores completed (daily hygiene also goes out the window). Then, there is the pain and discomfort that comes with everyday movements like walking or sitting. To top it off, you are desperately trying to figure out how to keep a new human alive. I won't even mention trying to navigate your relationship with your husband, family, and friends, which also adds to the delaying of any semblance of a workout routine.

A couple things have happened in my life recently that have allowed me to welcome fitness back with open arms.

The most obvious is that I am on summer vacation and I have loads of time to fill each day. Yes, taking care of Calvin fills up a great amount of my time in a day, but at 6 months, I feel like we have many things figured out where it can allow for a workout. Another major factor I have going for me is a huge drive to get my body back. I know that it isn't realistic to get my pre-baby body back and I've come to terms that my body is just going to look different now that I have had a baby. But, I am determined to tighten up areas that as of late are a little saggy and loose.

The major thing that has been a life saver for the new endeavor of getting fit has been Stroller Strides, or SS for short. My friend, Libby introduced me to it and I tested it out during my maternity leave when Calvin was about 8 weeks old. For those of you that are thinking, "How hard can a stroller exercise class be?" Let me tell you, I get my a** kicked every day in this class and am sore most days afterwards. The instructor does NOT take it easy on us and all of us that are there appreciate it. After all, we are there to get in shape, not mamby pamby around with our strollers...we can do that on our own time and for free. I was pumped to attend the class while I wasn't working, but Calvin had other plans, which if you don't already know about you can catch up here and here.

So, summer is here and Calvin and I aim to attend class every day (Monday-Friday), but usually it looks more like 3-4 days a week. My body is getting tighter, but best of all, I feel great about myself and like how I look. No, I'm not back to a pre-baby size and there is still about 7 pounds of baby weight, but I have more energy during the day and I am happy with the results. The other amazing thing about this class is that the attendees are all moms with their kids. Many are first time mothers like myself, but some of them are on their second or third child. So, whatever question is burning in your head and keeping you up at night, you have an audience of at least 20 women to help you every day. It's like a mommy support group!

My little thing, although it feels bigger, is that I feel great in my own skin. It feels good to be back in this place. I know that any woman can relate to how amazing that feels, but definitely all those mommas out there can relate to the time of adjustment after having a baby and just feeling unlike yourself in more ways than just our bodies.

Thank you Stroller Strides for helping me love ME again!

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