
a nice little weekend...

Isn't it great when you have a fabulous weekend?!  Ours was a perfect combination of relaxation and fun!  Here are some of the highlights: 

shopping with a friend's discount

lots of reading

getting to bed early

cleaning the house/yard work

reconnecting with friends who we haven't seen in a long time

cheering on a friend's band and LOVING their music

running into friends unexpectedly

helping out some traveling friends

a fabulous planning session for the best baby shower ever

a couple's massage

yummy crepes

good talks with my honey

At first glance, it may seems like a lot, but it was a perfect weekend for so many different reasons.  Each thing on the list is a little thing that made me happy this weekend and makes me look forward to future weekends.  Gotta give some props to the weekends!  Here's hoping you had a great weekend as well!  


tribute to Andy...

My husband is my favorite person on this planet and his birthday is today! Here are some of the reasons why he is #1 in my book:

he is VERY handsome and sexy
he loves working with kids and is damn good at it
he genuinely cares about people
he sings silly songs
he makes up new nicknames for our dog every day

he knows when something is bothering me and makes me talk about whatever it is

he makes me feel special
he is extremely patient
he is always learning something new about the world or himself
he can talk to anyone
he makes me laugh A LOT

family is important to him (his and mine)
he loves to travel
he doesn't freak out when I cry and knows exactly what I need
he keeps me calm
sometimes he cries too

he loves Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres
he reads as much as I do or more
he finds great music
he does his research
he is SUPER smart

he is an amazing cook
he teaches me about history
he knows me better than I do
he is filled with passion
he was willing to move to Denver and stay here

I feel safe with him

he recognizes my strengths (and reminds me of them when I have forgotten)

There are so many wonderful things about Andy and I know that I am forgetting a bunch that could be on this list. I find myself more in love with him with each day that we are together and I thank the universe that he is here, is by my side, and chooses me to take on life with.  

Happy Birthday to my amazing husband, companion, best friend, lover, and overall favorite person!  I love you with everything that I am!


massage therapy...

I am a lucky girl and have recently had multiple massages.  I got a gift card to Massage Envy for my birthday and I was ecstatic to start reaping the benefits!  When I showed up to my first massage, they told me that I would be able to get three for the amount of my gift card (I went in thinking I would only get two).  They also told me that I had to use them by May...I think I can handle that!

I knew that my body would feel better after my massages, but I didn't realize that my mind would also be cleared and more focused.  The first massage therapist I got was Isabel who was from Mexico.  She had a cute little accent and was very chatty.  I usually don't like that during a massage, but she had some interesting things to say.  After I told her about my multiple miscarriages, she filled the room with many words of encouragement.  I have had my share of these kind words from many people, but she had different things to say that I hadn't heard yet (or I had chose not to listen to).  I needed to hear what she had to say.  Even though I am not a super religious person (that is a whole different post), she said some things about God that stuck with me.  She also had this to say, which really made me think and I have repeated her words over and over again in my head since that day...   

"Don't be anxious, be grateful."

What simple words they were for her to give me, yet they have meant so much more to me than she will  probably ever know.  Every time that I have a worry enter my mind about us getting pregnant, I think of these words and it instantly calms me down.  I have so many things to be grateful for and feeling anxious has started to become toxic.  So, from now on when I feel myself getting anxious, I am going to say this quote to myself and bring on the gratefulness.      

I signed up for my next massage and I already felt tightness in my shoulders after only a month since my last one.  I decided I wanted to try someone different, so they set me up with a therapist named Laura.  I filled her in on my history and what I was looking for and she got started right away.  

I loved her instantly because she was from the Midwest and I was willing to look past that her home state was Iowa:)  She focused mostly on my upper shoulders and neck area where I could definitely feel a lot of tension.  Then, she said this...

"It feels like you have been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders."

Again, a simple simile that explained how tight my shoulders were.  But, she actually said what I have felt for a year.  I have felt every worry and anxious feeling about us starting a family and it has all gone to my shoulders (literally and figuratively).  It has sometimes felt like I have huge weights on my shoulders that will never go away.  By saying these words, she allowed me to free those heavy weights and clear my head.  She took away so much pain that I had been storing on myself unnecessarily.  In that moment, I felt like I had a fresh start with only a light load on my shoulders and it gave me space to focus on what joys are in my life now.

She also said this...

"You know that it is not your fault."

I almost started crying.  Of course, I know that the miscarriages were not my fault, but it can definitely feel that way.  It is hard not to think back about what you ate, or what you drank, or how much exercise you did at the gym.  It is amazing to me how those eight little words from a stranger put me at peace and made me feel like I could let some of my negative feelings go and stop worrying about it so much.  My doctor, Andy, friends, family, co-workers...they have all said these exact same words, but somehow coming from a stranger they finally started to sink in.   

The little thing from this experience is that words from a stranger are sometimes louder than those that come from those closest to you.  They may even have more meaning because you actually listen to them.  I thank the strangers at Massage Envy for giving me what I needed to hear at the right moment and for giving me the freedom to let myself move on from the place that I have been.    


brave enough, I think...

Remember those big things I mentioned a few posts ago? 

It's time to share the big things that have been going on for the Groettums because I think I have finally gained enough courage to do so...

Many of you who are close to us know that we have been trying to start a family since April 2011.  Today marks one year and it's been an interesting road, to say the least.  

I am one of those women that thought that we would get pregnant right away and according to our plan...I know, crazy!  But, in my defense, I have had many friends that had it happen that way, so I didn't know much different (and this is one time where my positivity kind of got in the way).  April, May, and June went by and I was starting to get a little frustrated.  

Then, July, August, and September went by and I was starting to lose hope.  I had many thoughts running through my head like, "Why isn't it happening?", "What if we can't get pregnant?", "Is there something wrong with us?" and on and on.  I knew these thoughts were normal, but I also knew that what we were going through was more normal than having it happen right away.  That didn't take away any of the negative thoughts or the frustration that was growing for both of us.   

Finally, October came and we were pregnant (says a home test)!  We were beyond excited, we were flying over the moon happy.  We told only our immediate family and were relishing in our happy news.  

This happiness didn't last long because after a week, while we were in Minnesota, we had an early miscarriage at six weeks of pregnancy.  To say it was emotional is an understatement, it was more like devastation. Although this event was filled with sadness, in true Groettum fashion, we began to process through it by finding the  positives.  There actually was a huge list which included some of these things: 

-it is normal and happens in 20% of pregnancies (that is 1 in 5)
-we found out that we could get pregnant, which was one of our greatest fears
-usually it happens because it is an unhealthy embryo
-we could try again!

And try again we did...

Then, to our surprise and a little nervousness, we got pregnant again right away in December.  Unfortunately, this time did not have a happy ending either.  We had an early miscarriage at seven weeks and it happened on a weekend, so we spent many hours in the emergency room where they wouldn't confirm that it was actually a miscarriage.  This left us with a small amount of hope, although I knew in my heart that it was a loss.  A blood test two days later confirmed what I already knew in my heart.  

This miscarriage was not only filled with sadness and devastation, but this time it felt like pure defeat.  Andy and I were crushed and there was no positivity left in us.  Our depression lasted over a week, which included crying every day, finding it hard to breath at work, and avoiding everyone and everything in our lives to take a mental hiatus.  I was even close to an anxiety attack as I returned to work the following Monday.  It never occurred to me to take the day off until I was driving to work while fighting tears and sitting in the parking lot willing my legs to walk towards the building.    

With the holidays right around the corner, we found a little motivation to get our Christmas shopping done and started to look forward to a change of scenery and time with family.  Luckily, the power of family, time away from Denver, and some fresh air helped bump us out of our depression.  The other thing that helped was turning the page on our calendar to a new year.  2011 had lost its luster and 2012 was sure to be full of new possibilities.  

This experience is one of the reasons I wanted to start my blog.  It was so hard to talk about what was going on with us for a multitude of reasons.  One being that we didn't really know anyone that this had happened to.  Another was the look on peoples' faces when you did tell them...a mixture of sadness and pity.  Even though I felt better talking about it, I could tell that it was hard for other people because they didn't know what to say or it was an uncomfortable subject.  Regardless of this, it never failed, every single person we have talked to knows someone who has had a miscarriage.  Not only does everyone know someone, but it is someone that is really close to them (instead of a friend of a friend kind of thing, it is a sister, a best friend, a cousin, a mother).  

That told me that there has to be others out there that feel the same way that I do.  Going through two miscarriages has been isolating to say the least.   

After this, my scary thoughts have turned darker to, "Am I meant to be a mother?", "What am I supposed to learn from this experience?", "What do we need to change in our life in order for us to be blessed with a baby?"

Another hard twist to this journey is that many of my closest friends are pregnant.  Although my first instinct is utter joy and happiness for them, a very close second instinct is jealousy and sadness for my own situation.  This second thought is really troubling for me.  Jealousy is a feeling that I am not used to feeling, especially when it comes to my friends.  I have always been content in my own life, which has allowed me to be happy for my friends with where their journey takes them.  I am not sure why jealousy is playing a role in my life right now, but it is hard to handle on top of all of the other feelings that I am feeling. 

   There is no little thing in what we went through.  Many times during   the most depressing days, I did find some small things each hour to get me through the day without crying or screaming.  Those things included, starting my blog, hugs from friends, a new 16 pack of PaperMate flair pens, good leftovers from the night before, and many more.  The thing that helped us the most was being brave enough to start talking about how we felt and what happened to us.  So, although there is no little thing in this experience, this is the time when the big things come to play.  The big thing I learned in 2011 is that life is hard and sometimes it just is and you have to accept it and try to move on.  Fortunately for me, I have a loving partner and that is EVERYTHING to me.  I also have amazing family, friends, co-workers, and my eternal positivity that came back after a brief hibernation.  

Now I realize that life sometimes throws some curve balls in your direction and it may be a way to teach you a lesson, wake you up from something, help you grow stronger, or just because life is bored and wants to shake things up.  Whatever the reason, I now know that it is important to learn as much as you can from these times.  That is what I am doing and will continue to do as we mosey on down the journey that we started...