
mobile child, seriously?!

Most of the time, I find myself extremely anxious for each new milestone that is on the horizon for Calvin. I see older babies and think, "I can't wait until Calvin is able to do ___. That will be so fun!" I think it is a healthy anxious though, rather than a nervous anxious that Calvin isn't doing something. I remember these thoughts going through my head when his older friends started smiling, rolling over, waving, etc.

The one milestone that I have thought, "Maybe we could wait a bit on this one," is crawling. Seriously, this is something that changes EVERYTHING. I can leave the room for a minute and know that Calvin will, for the most part, be in the same spot that I left him. But, once he is crawling, he could be in the kitchen from the living room in the blink of an eye. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about this milestone just like all of the others. I just didn't think it would come this fast.

It all started a few weeks ago...Calvin always loves being in his exersaucer so that he can stand, turn around in circles, and bang his toys together. It looks something like this...

A few weeks ago, he wanted to spend less time standing and more time on the floor. Once he got to the floor, he would barrel roll his way across the living room rug to get from one place to another. He was fascinated and obsessed with picking a direction and getting there as fast as he could and by any means he was able. His farm and the animals in it became his new favorite toy.

One day, and for several more days after that, he got up on all fours. He was super wobbly and you could tell he wanted to just take off in the direction of whatever toy was in front of him (or piece of lint). Usually, he would get mad that his arms and legs weren't cooperating and either plop back on to his stomach or do a side sit situation.

Today, all of this changed. For him and us. Check this out!

Even though I could have handled Calvin waiting a bit before mastering this milestone, it is a true proud moment to see it happen and marvel at the process he took in order to get to this point. This process of growing and taking risks is a little thing that is one of the joys of parenthood. Now, we better start child proofing the house because he is a curious little guy and it won't be long before he is cruising through the house, grabbing everything in sight. Yikes!

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