
a day in the life...

Calvin has a pretty good life.  I can't complain about mine at this point in time as well.  I get to spend every day with this cute little guy and this is how a typical day goes...

6:30am - wake up, eat
7:00am - play time in PJs

8:00am - nap in crib

9:30am - wake up, eat
10:00am - bath

11:00am - nap
12:30pm - wake up, eat
1:00pm - walk around the neighborhood or with a friend

2:00pm - nap 
3:30pm - wake up, eat
4:00pm - play on play mat

5:00pm - nap 
6:30pm - wake up, eat
7:00pm - hang out with Andy (a.k.a. Papa)

*a few things that we have learned about Calvin so far:
-he LOVES being naked = he only wears a diaper all day unless we go somewhere

-sometimes he just needs to be held = my favorite time of the day

-the day flies by, before we know it Andy is home

-there are a lot of outfit changes, either because of accidents or just because his mom LOVES playing dress up with him

-Calvin really enjoys the outdoors and having the fresh air on his skin.  It instantly calms him down or puts him to sleep

Maternity leave has been good to us so far.  I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it.  Calvin and I have figured out each other and made a nice daily schedule.  It is getting easier and easier to get out and about, which we both really love (and need).  Our schedule doesn't always work out the same each day, but for the most part, the cycle of his needs are predictable from one day to the next.  

A little thing I can count on each day is that I get quality time with my son and still have a month left of this wonderfulness.  I am so thankful for maternity leave!  

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