
a note to our little one...

Dear sweet little boy, 

Your due date has come and gone and we are anxiously awaiting your arrival.  I know that we have been through some heavy stuff in the last year, especially recently.  I know that you are concerned and want us to have time to heal, but I need you to know that we are ready.  

We are ready to see your sweet face, hold you in our arms, and smell your amazing baby smell.  We are ready to love you with everything that we have and take care of you.  We are ready to introduce you to our friends and family and they are almost as excited as we are to welcome you into the world.  

You've given us some signs that you are making your way to the outside world and we promise to stay patient.  Come when you are ready, but just know that you don't have to worry about us.  We are ready and our hearts are open for your arrival.  

Love, Mama L & Papa A


  1. Love. This. So. Very. Much.
    It's perfect.

  2. Thinking of you! Hope you're holding your sweet boy today :)
