
birthday boy

Dear Calvin,

This day brings up so many emotions each year, which seems crazy since you have only been alive for two.  It feels like we are on a roller coaster and we are never quite sure which turn will come next.  But, no matter the turns this ride takes with each of your birthdays, there is one emotion that we are sure to feel each November 21st...JOY.  

You have brought so much pure joy to our lives and have ultimately made us better people because we know and love you.
Your dad and I love you for so many reasons. Here are just a few...

~ You never stop running or moving as quickly as you can.  Your speediness keeps us on our toes and contributes to our fitness level. 

~ You are insanely sweet.  In between your fast escapades, you always find a quick minute to give us a hug, sit on our lap, or say our name with your sweet little voice.  We have to enjoy these moments when we can as they are gone within the blink of an eye.  

~   You have an amazing curious nature.  Everything you find, you must touch and figure out how it works.  The more gadgets the better for your little mind to take everything in and memorize its inner workings.

~ You continue to lean toward independence rather than leaning on us and you have been this way since your entrance into the world.  You communicate clearly when we are doing too much and you would rather complete a task on your own.    

~ Your new found freedom has increased all of your senses and you are hyper aware of your surroundings.  It is like a new world has opened up for you and it is amazing to watch you explore.  

~ You are always happy, like always.  Yes, you have your moments where you are upset, but those moments are few and far between.  You wake up smiling and giggling and you go to sleep the same way.  

~ Besides the word no (read above about independence), your favorite word is outside, although you say it like "outshide" with a slight increase in your voice at the end like you are asking us for permission.  It doesn't matter if it is 7:30am and you have on only your pajamas or if it is right after dinner and it is pitch black outside.  We love your adventurous spirit!  

~ You love your people.  So much so that you run through a list of their names multiple times a day.  You can't say all of their names quite yet, but you always feel complete when any of those you call yours are with you.

Happy birthday sweet, sweet boy.  We love you more than words could ever describe.  Each day you brighten our lives and bring joy to our hearts.  I can't wait to celebrate with many (unfortunately not all) of your people this weekend and spoil you to make you feel like the special little boy that you are.  

Love, Momma & Dadda


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