
here we go...

And so it begins...my first blog.  I know I am one of many to go down this path, but I hope to entertain those I know and strangers who happen upon my words.  I have been pushed in this direction by many dear friends and have decided to finally take the plunge and join the blogosphere world!  

Things you will encounter when you dive into my world: 
  • Andy and I's travel adventures
  • Day-to-day happenings in the lives of the Groettums
  • Trials, tribulations, and joyous events for us
  • Funny and ridiculous students stories from the trenches
  • much, much more!
I only ask that you be patient with my clumsiness and kind with your feedback.  Enjoy!


  1. I get to be your very first comment! Hooray! I can't wait to read all the posts to come!

  2. I'm so happy you took the plunge! Can't wait to follow along with you to all the places you go!

  3. I am honored that you have me on your list. You are a brave woman Lindsey.....but you are also one of the most compassionate, interseting people I know. You have a lot to share. Keep going and never look back.
