That's right, I finally have a book club!! I have been talking about having a book club for about three years. It never seemed like the right time to start it or I wasn't sure who to invite or I just plainly didn't pull the trigger. I think I wanted it to work out so badly that I was nervous to get the ball rolling.
Luckily, a couple friends of mine pushed the ball down the hill to get it rolling for me! They were sitting around talking one day and both expressed the desire for a book club. Hence, Novino Book Club was born! (what we love most, novels and vino, put together...get it? NOVINO!)
Our first meeting was just the three of us and we read Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

We learned from our first meeting that we all had similar likes and dislikes about books. We also learned that Amanda and I are easy to please, whereas Hayley is a little more picky about her praise for a book. Overall, it was a fabulous first meeting and we couldn't wait for the next! I got to choose our second book and after going through a bunch of options, I chose a book that has been haunting me for over ten years.
I originally sat down to tackle Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver in college and quickly realized that it was a little too much for me in between studying, partying, and just my general college life. I have picked it up several times since college and each time I failed to get further than the exposition of the story, around page 75. This time, I was determined to master this novel and I did!! Once I got further into the book, the characters became more alive for me and I fell in love with the story. I also fell in love with the Congo, where the story takes place, and was intrigued with the location as a character joining the Price family on their journey.
Unfortunately, not everyone in Novino was on the same page as me. They showed up to our meeting and I was the only one who had finished the book! We laughed about that fact, but still had a great conversation about the book, and were able to also have a great discussion about why we struggled with the text. We were able to welcome another new member and she is a great addition! We look forward to more lovely ladies joining us in the future.
We moved on to choosing our next selection, which was up for Amanda to decide. She had some great options, but we ultimately settled on Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.
If anyone is looking for a good, easy, but also historical read, look no further!! I am already half way through this book and we don't even meet for another month! I would highly recommend this to my fellow readers out there. It is a story about a boy growing up in Chinatown in Seattle in the 1940's as a Chinese American. He makes friends with a girl his age that is Japanese, but their friendship is taboo because of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the general hatred for all Japanese people whether they were born in America or in Japan. I won't give anymore away, but I love this book and can't wait to talk about it with my lovely Novino ladies next month!
So, long story short, the little thing I look forward to every evening is reading my latest quest of a novel. I love sitting in our reading nook we created in our basement with Andy while we both keep warm in our Snuggies. I adore that we can waste whole afternoons losing ourselves in our books and we both have a huge passion for literature (although we don't always read the same genres). I really love sharing my passion for books with others, so this is the beginning of many posts about the reading that happens in the Groettum Reading Nook.
Books rule!!

We learned from our first meeting that we all had similar likes and dislikes about books. We also learned that Amanda and I are easy to please, whereas Hayley is a little more picky about her praise for a book. Overall, it was a fabulous first meeting and we couldn't wait for the next! I got to choose our second book and after going through a bunch of options, I chose a book that has been haunting me for over ten years.
Unfortunately, not everyone in Novino was on the same page as me. They showed up to our meeting and I was the only one who had finished the book! We laughed about that fact, but still had a great conversation about the book, and were able to also have a great discussion about why we struggled with the text. We were able to welcome another new member and she is a great addition! We look forward to more lovely ladies joining us in the future.
We moved on to choosing our next selection, which was up for Amanda to decide. She had some great options, but we ultimately settled on Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.
If anyone is looking for a good, easy, but also historical read, look no further!! I am already half way through this book and we don't even meet for another month! I would highly recommend this to my fellow readers out there. It is a story about a boy growing up in Chinatown in Seattle in the 1940's as a Chinese American. He makes friends with a girl his age that is Japanese, but their friendship is taboo because of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the general hatred for all Japanese people whether they were born in America or in Japan. I won't give anymore away, but I love this book and can't wait to talk about it with my lovely Novino ladies next month!
So, long story short, the little thing I look forward to every evening is reading my latest quest of a novel. I love sitting in our reading nook we created in our basement with Andy while we both keep warm in our Snuggies. I adore that we can waste whole afternoons losing ourselves in our books and we both have a huge passion for literature (although we don't always read the same genres). I really love sharing my passion for books with others, so this is the beginning of many posts about the reading that happens in the Groettum Reading Nook.
Books rule!!